
Use link building as your lead generator

by | Feb 25, 2021 | backlinks, Google, link Building, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) | 0 Comments

One of the ways to recruit more potential customers is through link building. In 2021, link building still largely determines whether your website will rank high in the search engine results. If there are sufficient relevant and high-quality backlinks pointing to your website, you will automatically rank higher in the results and therefore become easier and faster to find online.

This is how you create backlinks

You can do more in different ways backlinks to your website. First, there are the natural links. These are links to your website that are placed by someone else. You often do not realize that these links are there, because you have not requested or purchased them yourself. However, it is important to keep an eye on whether there are natural links pointing to your website and if so, in what context these links are placed.

The second way in which you can create backlinks is by doing this on the basis of link building activities. You can then hire an external company to place various types of backlinks for you. You can also do link exchange. As the name implies, this means that a company posts links for you and you do the same for that company.

Finally, you can create backlinks by placing them yourself on, for example, a forum, a collection website or on social media. However, placing backlinks can take a lot of time, so we recommend outsourcing link building activities.

Why is link building so important?

Link building is important when it comes to reaching more potential customers. The search engine sees backlinks as a kind of vote for your website. You are, as it were, recommended by another website. The more backlinks point to your website, the more votes your website has and so you will ultimately rank higher in the search engine results.

Quality over quantity

However, the number of links is not the only contributing factor your position in the search engine results. The quality of these links is perhaps even more important. You can easily have hundreds or perhaps thousands of links placed to your website, but the search engine also looks at the relevance of these links. If your website is about sports equipment, it is therefore not relevant if a link to your website is placed on a website about baby equipment.

When you embark on a link building campaign, the results can have a huge impact on your web traffic. For each keyword, you can monitor how this word is doing in the search engine results. This way you can continuously test which keywords score well. This way you can adjust your campaign at any time and ensure that more web traffic is generated to your website. And more web traffic naturally leads to more purchases and ultimately to more sales.

Invest in link building!

Creating backlinks can be a time-consuming job. However, in 2021 it is wise to invest in this, because more people are shopping online. That is why you naturally want your company to be easy to find for (potential) customers. Fortunately, there are many companies you can go to for outsourcing linkbuilding and you will quickly achieve results and realize more turnover.


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