
Making a good sandwich

by | July 29, 2021 | content marketing, XNUMX Conversion, Social Media | 0 Comments

The digital sandwich

Sandwiches, not really a word you would associate with marketing. It is a form of content marketing that has been used in the marketing world for some time. Did you know that this form of content marketing was already used in 1596 by the Enkhuizer Almanak?

The word Sandwiches

You probably have other associations with the word sandwiches, but where does the term actually come from and what exactly does it mean? Before the focus was really on content marketing, you mainly saw advertisements and promotion. These types of advertisements are mainly used with the advent of digital media, but marketers saw that interaction with these messages was declining. For example with their advertisement for linkbuilding. An alternative had to be devised to get people interested in their products again.

Now we all know about the Trojan horse. A wooden horse that was placed at the gates of Troy where soldiers had hidden. Unsuspectingly, residents of Troy had brought the horse within the city walls and this led to their downfall. The Trojan Horse is a good comparison with what Sandwiching actually entails. You introduce something to the reader that you know they will find interesting. Now that you have their attention, you can write a subtle advertisement for your company somewhere in the middle of the text or at the bottom. Congratulations, you have now sandwiched the reader.

Does the sandwich have an effect?

You mainly see that the sandwich is used in B2B (companies that provide services and products to each other) and B2C (from seller directly to the customer). The results are generally not directly visible in sales, but rather in the interactions with your blog posts and articles. You will see that you will get many more responses than before, especially if you have put your sandwich together properly.

Now just the question: have you discovered our sandwich?


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