
Make your website run faster!

by | May 17, 2022 | Website | 0 Comments

Do you know that feeling when you open a website and it takes a long time for it to fully load? This is of course very annoying and the main reason why someone clicks away again. This is a shame, because this person could have become a potential customer of yours. How do you ensure that your website runs faster and what is the cause of these slow websites? Then read on!


There are several causes that contribute to a slow website. Images are most responsible for this. They take up a lot of space. So it is important to optimize this! You will then quickly notice that the speed of your page improves. If you want to focus on a good user experience and better rankings, it is important that your page speed is in order.

Useful plugins


This plugin is perhaps one of the best known. We can certainly talk about it. Every photo you upload is optimized for the web. This will eventually improve the speed of your website. In combination with WP Rocket from the same makers, you ensure that your WordPress site goes like a rocket!

Short pixels

This plug-in is another well-known one that makes your website a lot faster. Just like Imagify, this plugin optimizes the images uploaded to the website. The best of it Short pixels is that the free version gives the option to optimize 100 images. Try it out sometime.


It is important that images are optimized. This plugin optimizes the images you already have on your website and every image you upload. This plug-in also works great with WooCommerce, so it is definitely interesting to try it out. In short, images are one of the culprits that cause your website to run slower. You naturally want to prevent this by ensuring that the page speed is optimal. So try out one of these plug-ins and share your experiences below.


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