
Advertising via Google? These are the ways!

by | July 7, 2020 | Google | 0 Comments

Advertising through Google Ads is an excellent way to acquire new customers. Most people use Google when they are looking for information, services or products. As an entrepreneur you can take advantage of this by advertising via Google, but how does that work? advertising through Google exactly? There are countless techniques you can use! Below we will describe the most important ways for you.

A Search campaign or a Display campaign?

To start with, Google has two networks where you can advertise. Most people will think of a Search campaign when they think of advertising via Google. This is a text ad that is shown above the organic results in Google. With this form of advertising, you decide which keywords you want to score on. This allows you to advertise very specifically. People who Google the keyword you are advertising on will then see your website immediately at the top.

Google's Display Network may be less known. Yet almost every internet user encounters Display ads while browsing. These advertisements are placed on websites that specifically make advertising space available for this purpose. In return, the webmasters receive a small amount per click. There are countless webmasters who want to generate extra income in this way and thus free up advertising space. This means that your advertisements can be placed on all kinds of different websites.

Which network to advertise on?

For the average entrepreneur who wants to start advertising via Google, it is advisable to start with a Search campaign. This method of advertising is quite targeted and will generally generate more web traffic, provided you advertise correctly. After all, the person who comes across your Search ad is specifically looking for the keyword you are advertising on. While the Display ads are found by the ordinary internet user who is browsing.

Is Display advertising never wise? Yes, there are several situations in which this form of advertising via Google is the best solution! Consider remarketing, for example. You can ensure that specifically people who have previously been to your website see the advertisements. Many people will not take any action the first time they come to your website. This form of advertising usually leads to a higher conversion rate. Many large companies also use Google's Display Network to increase brand awareness.

Advertise locally

The advantage of advertising via Google is that you can often advertise in a very targeted manner. Do you have one Search campaign chosen, you can, for example, advertise locally. Imagine that you have your own snack bar. With such a local business, there is no point in people on the other side of the country seeing your ad. You want to be able to advertise locally. Fortunately, this is also perfectly possible by advertising via Google. With a Search campaign you can indicate very specifically in which region the advertisement should be visible. For example, if you have a local business in Nijmegen, your advertisement (if it is set up correctly) will not be shown in Rotterdam.

If you have a company that provides services and/or products nationally, you obviously do not have to advertise locally. In that case it is also possible to advertise nationally. This is, for example, a better choice if you have a webshop that delivers nationally.

Creating an effective advertisement

Do you decide to advertise via Google? Then it is important that the advertisement is also effective. There are also different ways to do this. What the most effective form of advertising looks like depends, among other things, on your target group and the services/products you offer. You can support a Display campaign with images and/or videos. With a Search campaign you rely on the text. If you choose a Display campaign, it is a good idea to put together a really nice advertisement. That does not mean that a Search campaign should not be considered. The message from your advertisement must be written in correct Dutch and the message must appeal to your target group.

Do you want to be sure that your Google Ads campaign is as effective as possible? Then you can opt for outsourcing Google Ads advertising. By outsourcing the advertisement, you can be assured of a beautiful design. Moreover, a Google Ads specialist will know exactly how he or she can best reach your target group. If you choose an experienced marketing agency, they can, for example, have beautiful advertisements designed for the Display network. In addition, a specialist can determine what should be included in the advertisement for the highest possible conversion rate.

Do you want to outsource online advertising? On the R&B Webpromotions platform you will find many attractive deals from various providers! Our platform makes it a lot easier to set up an efficient advertisement.

Also try to score organically in Google!

Advertising via Google Ads is an excellent way to advertise. However, it is also advisable to score organically in Google. You also want to be found if you stop running Google Ads campaigns for a while. How do you get to the top of Google organically? Google determines the ranking of your website based on more than 200 factors. An experienced marketing agency is able to optimize many of these factors for you.

Organic scoring will take more time than advertising with Ads, but the results will also remain visible longer once you stop the campaigns. Are you interested in search engine optimization? Then also call in a specialist. Setting up an Ads campaign yourself is quite possible if you put enough time into it Search Engine Optimization Taking care of (SEO) is more difficult. After all, for SEO you need a broad network and extensive knowledge.


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