
Want to get more out of your website? Then follow these 10 tips!

by | October 15, 2020 | content marketing, Social Media, Website, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) | 0 Comments

Almost every entrepreneur has a website or webshop. Very nice to be found online too. But how do you get more out of your website? Moreover, you would like to achieve more conversion. Follow the following 10 tips to actually achieve results.

1: Ensure a fast loading time


Upload beautiful images and then you soon discover that it takes a very long time for this page to load. Too bad because visitors want to be able to switch quickly. With a long loading time, they will more quickly choose to view another website. So make sure the images are uploaded properly to maintain loading speed. For example, you can choose to minimize the images if you notice that it takes up a lot of space.

2: Write good content on every page

You want visitors to stay on your website for a long time. You can ensure this by writing good and clear content. Provide at least 250 words on each page. Of course, with sufficient information you ensure that your visitors continue reading. Make sure that there is not too much content on the page. This creates ambiguity and your visitor is not looking for that. So keep it minimal, but with sufficient information that the visitor is looking for.

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3: Make sure every page has a purpose

The content is written and you are ready to start. But have you actually thought about what you want to achieve with a page? Is it purely to share information with visitors? Or are you looking for a way to achieve sales faster? Many owners do not (yet) realize what they want to achieve with a particular page. Getting as many new orders as possible makes sense, but without a goal you won't get very far. So before you start writing, remember that you need to have a goal in mind for each page.

4: Use the right keywords

Every niche has its own keywords on which they prefer to rank. Regardless of how large the search volume is, people like to score on important keywords. By ensuring that your content is written based on these keywords, you are already one step ahead. It is important to write the texts in an SEO friendly manner. So pay close attention to which keywords you want to score with and tailor your text accordingly. For example, consult a specialist in this field who would like to look into this. After all, they often know better which keywords are best to use.

5: Use call to action buttons

The content has been published on the website and you are ready to achieve success online. When your website receives visitors, they will be the first to read the information. To make it even better for visitors, you can place a call to action button with the information. They will use this more quickly than if you direct them to the contact page. So don't just think about providing information, but ensure quick actions on your website. It's nice that your visitors can be helped faster.


6: Organic visitors to the website

Almost everyone makes the mistake of thinking that every visitor comes to your website organically. Unfortunately that is not the case. In fact, achieving organic visitors is more difficult than expected. You will often use this Searchmachine optimalisation (SEO) or search engine advertising (SEA). If you choose SEA, the costs will be somewhat higher. However, you achieve immediate results when the consumer is looking for this. SEO will take some time if you want to achieve good results. With SEO it takes a little longer, but these results last longer. If you stop SEA, your position will also disappear immediately.

7: Use recognizable images

There are a lot of images available online. No matter how beautiful they are, it must remain relevant to your website. So make sure that the image must complement the page in question on which you want to place it. You often create the most beautiful images yourself! Feel free to grab the camera and start experimenting! You will be amazed at what you can achieve with a camera.

8: Improve your reliability

Everyone wants to appear reliable to customers. For this you can choose to link an independent review website to your website. Customers can then post a review and that often works to your company's advantage. Visitors who have not yet purchased anything will often read this first to test its reliability. Naturally, a review option is not suitable for every company. Then make sure that information can be read about yourself as an entrepreneur and the employees.

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9: Why should a visitor come to you?

Explain clearly why the visitor should purchase your product or service. You are enthusiastic and want to get started, but of course it doesn't work that way for the visitor. They first look for the benefits before contact is made. What makes your product or service so special that the visitor must have it? Explain this clearly, enthusiastically and convincingly!

10: Connect your customers to your company

A visitor has purchased a product or service from you, congratulations. Now it is important to keep the customer committed to your company. So make sure that your customer stays informed about offers, discounts or perhaps new products. Make it interesting for this customer. After all, they have already purchased a product from you and are often already satisfied.


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