
What to do about writer's block

by | Sep 14, 2021 | content marketing, Social Media | 0 Comments

Sometimes you have those days...

Do you ever have to write a text but nothing ends up on paper? No, we are not talking about procrastination (everyone suffers from that at some point!). This time we're talking about writer's block. Writer's block is a situation in which a problem needs to be solved with a creative solution, but that doesn't come. You stare at your blank page for minutes, hours and maybe days but the words just don't come. We call this writer's block and it is more common than you think among people with creative professions.

You have a blog that you have to finish today, but you have been struggling with the deadline for days because of your writer's block. Don't worry, we've put together a few tips to help you get over your writer's block.

Another location

You have moments where you sit behind your computer to write, but this environment is not really suitable for gaining inspiration. Of course you can look things up, but that doesn't work as well as offline brainstorming, for example. A tip is to get away from your desk and go for a walk. During the walk you are no longer confronted with your blank page. You will soon notice that more ideas will emerge.

Write something else

You're probably thinking: if I have writer's block here, why wouldn't I have it at other blogs? You would think so, but it is often not the case. Start writing a blog about another topic or perhaps a small unrelated text. Eventually you will get back into the flow and then the blog you had to write will no longer be a problem.

Disconnect from the internet

You heard that right. The internet is full of distractions. It is an idea to temporarily close the internet and focus completely on the article you are writing. You can then do nothing but write. Your computer becomes, as it were, a typewriter. Do you know that you get distracted easily? Give it a try!

Get to work
Stop avoiding your writer's block and tackle it with these tips. More tips on how to write blogs? Read the article about storytelling. Doubt whether content marketing is really something for your company? We have also written a blog for that.


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